much: adj.(more; most) 〔用于修饰不可数名词〕很多的,许多的;大量的;很大程度的;(时间)长的(much water, wine, money, hope, courage, time)。 ★1.主要在英国口语中,除用作肯定句主语之一或与 how, too, as, so 连用外,多用于代替 a lot of, a great quantity of, a goo
He makes much account of her musical genius 他重视她的音乐天才。
He makes much account of her musical genius 他重视她的音乐天才
The government makes much account of children ' s education and their health 政府十分重视儿童教育以及他们的健康状况。
But they always stick to the direction of waston made originally , that is , the objective of prediction , control and change of the animals and the human being , they were concerned with the explicit behavior and then , they made much account of the effect of external statements of learning on behavior 但行为主义学习理论始终坚持华生最初指引的方向? ?预测、控制和改变动物与人的行为的目标,注意研究外显行为,从各自不同的侧面强调了学习的外部条件对行为的影响。行为主义学习理论的动态完善的历程,也是人们对人类学习实质的认识逐渐深刻的过程。